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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

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Current Forum: Optimum Pricing / Re-pricing
2/12/2013 9:05:29 PM
Competing against FBA sellers Read: 3051
Replies: 1

7/23/2012 6:29:55 PM
Dynamic Price Radius Exclusions Read: 2955
Replies: 0

2/6/2012 12:14:28 PM
Verify the type of account/items you are monitoring Read: 3564
Replies: 1

12/6/2011 12:25:18 PM
Your price not found Read: 2733
Replies: 0

9/21/2011 2:29:45 PM
New Repricing options Read: 3109
Replies: 0

6/30/2011 11:09:13 PM
New compete option in repricing Read: 2634
Replies: 0

4/24/2011 1:11:15 AM
What if my competitors use CompetitorEye? Read: 2938
Replies: 0

1/3/2011 8:57:47 PM
More about floors Read: 2526
Replies: 0

12/13/2010 12:36:27 AM
Exclude sellers by name for repricing. Read: 2613
Replies: 0

11/14/2010 6:53:57 PM
Raise to ceiling pricing temporarily suspended Read: 2435
Replies: 0

11/8/2010 5:01:20 PM
Min Qty and seller rating exclusions Read: 2466
Replies: 1

10/26/2010 12:50:55 AM
Update. Ceiling & Floor evaluations Read: 2462
Replies: 0

9/15/2010 6:10:04 PM
Dropping to the floor and realistic floor values Read: 2646
Replies: 0

9/2/2010 2:07:38 AM
Tutorials Delayed Read: 2485
Replies: 0
We hired an organization to create tutorials, they were of such low quality we tossed the entire project. Below are some quick notes we were attempting to get into the tutorials.

In a nut shell, 4 "statuses" exist as well as a logic note.

  • Raise Price
  • Lower Price
  • Chased
  • Hold Steady
  • No Action

    Raise and lower are self explanatory, chased means the price is unstable at the moment (up /down) and your priority settings tell us to hold off a bit before adjusting the price. Aggressive priority will go ahead and lower your price during a pricing war.

    Hold steady and no action can occur when we could not find your price in the top 20 sellers and your settings did not direct the system to use the buybox price as your own when we cant find you. It can also occur if we cant raise or lower your price because of your floor settings and do not have an alternate lower amount.

    CompetitorEye's re-pricing can be as complicated or straight forward as you need it, we also can add custom repricing. We have attempted to create the engine to be as diverse as possible.

    Optimixed Pricing & Defaults is where you can setup your defaults and flags/controls. Many of which you may override product by product as defined in feed specifications.

    You can also look at the logic reports (second link in the quick links in your report email) which will go into more detail. Also viewable in the reports area and are great for deep logic examination.

    We also just added more detail to the online reports concerning optimized pricing. Historical Reports.

    If you click a specific report, you will see its breakdown as well as the ability to filter / segment

    As always, if you have any questions at all, fire away!
  • CompetitorEye
    7/26/2010 2:21:16 AM
    Welcome to CompetitorEye public re-pricing / optimum pricing forum Read: 2583
    Replies: 0

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