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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

Choose a forum:   Amazon 11 posts    eBay 2 posts    General Q&A 13 posts    Imports 9 posts    Optimum Pricing / Re-pricing 15 posts    Reports 21 posts  

Current Forum: Imports
12/14/2012 11:16:58 AM
Synchronize? Need it now? Read: 2246
Replies: 0

4/17/2012 3:44:42 PM
Having trouble uploading an import Read: 2260
Replies: 0

12/12/2011 11:30:36 AM
Forcing a Fresh Amazon Synchronization Read: 2247
Replies: 0

8/18/2011 7:09:24 PM
Why are some of my items not being monitored? Read: 2527
Replies: 0

7/27/2011 7:43:53 PM
Price & Shipping in imports feed Read: 2850
Replies: 0

7/5/2011 2:14:11 AM
Automated inventory load gets stale? Read: 2498
Replies: 0

6/26/2011 1:15:57 AM
New Inventory file loading options Read: 2688
Replies: 0

6/3/2011 6:05:06 PM
Downloading your data for modification Read: 2358
Replies: 0

8/6/2010 4:53:24 PM
Download catalog with current settings for import Read: 2335
Replies: 0

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