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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

Choose a forum:   Amazon 11 posts    eBay 2 posts    General Q&A 13 posts    Imports 9 posts    Optimum Pricing / Re-pricing 15 posts    Reports 21 posts  

Current Forum: General Q&A
2/8/2017 12:23:53 AM
ebay dropshipping Read: 3373
Replies: 1

2/5/2017 10:13:29 PM
Drop shipping marketing Tool Read: 2119
Replies: 1

7/22/2015 3:32:39 AM
Getting historical data for many products Read: 4706
Replies: 1

6/5/2013 12:13:26 PM
Secondary page issues, can thwart repricing Read: 3274
Replies: 0
Amazon is in the process of making internal and external upgrades and changes on their site and system. We have been given a heads up concerning this by our Rep to expect these rollouts in the next few weeks.

We are starting to notice some of these and they are causing intermittent issues with some of our reporting, particularly the “Secondary Page” reporting. This is the “New & Used” page of which, we only monitor the “NEW” condition item sellers pricing.

Sometimes these pages are empty and no data can be reported furing that time, or the page or internal structure is in a new format we are unaware of. Sometimes these pages ”flip” back to the original format and structure as if Amazon is testing.

How does this affect you? As Amazon goes through this process, you may experience “Short reports” where we could not obtain all your Asins in the given time period, and / or we may only be able to obtain your main page data (buy box, and top 3 featured sellers) but not the secondary page data. Statistically, this may increase your “not found” stats and lower your “secondary page” stats as well as Amazon and other sellers pricing being reported as not selling or "unknown" if not selling as buy box or top 3 featured.

We appreciate your patience through this transitional period.

Please be aware. Because of these intermittent secondary page issues, we may not be able to find the seller in the position you wish to compete with AND / OR more importantly, we may not be able to find YOUR pricing if you happen to be on the secondary page when we cannot load it.

If this occurs, we will not be able to reprice for you for that item UNLESS you have the following checked in the controls section of your optimized pricing defaults.

CHECK: If no Buy Box owner (or has been excluded), apply formula to next in line merchant as if they owned the Buy Box.

And CHECK this:

If my placement is not found in the top 20 sellers, calculate based on Buy Box or next in line merchants price and shipping as if it was my own.

Scroll to bottom and click SAVE.
4/19/2013 2:25:23 PM
Seeking US GSA Advantage Beta testers Read: 3125
Replies: 0

11/16/2011 12:29:00 PM
Raid rebuild complete Read: 3422
Replies: 1

7/19/2011 2:31:29 PM
FBA or products listed via channel advisor Read: 4039
Replies: 2

4/22/2011 8:57:09 AM
FBA repricing? Read: 4651
Replies: 6

4/20/2011 9:46:23 PM
Channel Advisor integration? Read: 4047
Replies: 2

3/17/2011 3:50:31 PM
Database slow at times Read: 3262
Replies: 0

12/28/2010 2:14:44 PM
Monitoring / Repricing Strategies. Read: 5377
Replies: 0

8/3/2010 12:33:30 PM
UPC lookups and Distributor accounts Read: 4190
Replies: 1

7/26/2010 2:14:20 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public Q&A forum Read: 3648
Replies: 1

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