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Current Forum: General Q&A
2/8/2017 12:23:53 AM
ebay dropshipping Read: 3373
Replies: 1

2/5/2017 10:13:29 PM
Drop shipping marketing Tool Read: 2119
Replies: 1

7/22/2015 3:32:39 AM
Getting historical data for many products Read: 4706
Replies: 1

6/5/2013 12:13:26 PM
Secondary page issues, can thwart repricing Read: 3275
Replies: 0

4/19/2013 2:25:23 PM
Seeking US GSA Advantage Beta testers Read: 3125
Replies: 0

11/16/2011 12:29:00 PM
Raid rebuild complete Read: 3422
Replies: 1
Nov 13th – 16th: CompetitorEye’s, system has been running at an intermittent snail’s pace due to the loss of drive in our 4 terabit raid. Although data integrity remained, the loss of a drive in a raid system, degrades the system. Thankfully the raid rebuild has completed, and things should get back to normal today Nov 16th.

CompetitorEye understands this couldn’t have come at a worse time for many sellers as they ramp up for the holiday season, and with delayed reporting causing issues, we understand and apologize for the stress this may have caused you.

This slow-down did not affect all accounts, although all accounts have now been adjusted and 4 days added at no charge, making the 13th to today “Free” – So can’t complain too much ok? (joke)

How this effected our system?
  • Reporting although persistent, did not always occur at the desired frequency.
  • Catalog importing was nearly impossible online, timeouts would occur.
  • Site was extremely slow at times.
Changes we made trying to speed the process.
  • Disabled merchant name change monitoring.
  • Disabled competitor placement counts. Competitor X had Y of your buy box’s etc.
  • Removed scan & reporting history. (less for the RAID to rebuild on file system)
We did not change repricing or actual monitoring.

Here is what we have learned. RAID systems are great for redundant data protection, but absolutely horrible at read/write when degraded. When a raid has an issue with the drive, the entire raid suffers. Its like writing to a floppy disk. CompetitorEye’s database averages 108 million database transactions a day, so needless to say, we spend a lot of time optimizing, upgrading and making sure things are A-OK.

Although we have spare servers, this caught us off guard and did not get the other server fully functional before this RAID completed its internal rebuild.

If you have some insight on RAID 5, pro’s and con’s we will appreciate your feedback!

Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter!

CompetitorEye replied on 11/16/2011 1:09:18 PM:
Guess we should have defined what a RAID is...In short, a “Raid” is a type of hardware architecture where multiple drives work together as one.For example, if you had 10 1tb drives, you could use them as 10 separate drives giving you a total of 10tb of space.Or you can set them up in a “RAID” with special hardware where the 10 drives each get written to in a certain manner and seen to the system as a single 1tb drive. The benefit being, if any of the 10 hard drives fail, you do not lose your data and the other 9 compensate.
7/19/2011 2:31:29 PM
FBA or products listed via channel advisor Read: 4039
Replies: 2

4/22/2011 8:57:09 AM
FBA repricing? Read: 4651
Replies: 6

4/20/2011 9:46:23 PM
Channel Advisor integration? Read: 4047
Replies: 2

3/17/2011 3:50:31 PM
Database slow at times Read: 3262
Replies: 0

12/28/2010 2:14:44 PM
Monitoring / Repricing Strategies. Read: 5377
Replies: 0

8/3/2010 12:33:30 PM
UPC lookups and Distributor accounts Read: 4190
Replies: 1

7/26/2010 2:14:20 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public Q&A forum Read: 3648
Replies: 1

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