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Current Forum: Reports
General Q&A
10/8/2018 9:40:47 AM
Read: 967
Replies: 0

7/1/2016 2:40:20 AM
Am I receiving partial reports? Read: 1531
Replies: 2

6/18/2016 10:20:04 AM
To "Delta Report" or not to "Delta Report" Read: 1611
Replies: 0

2/22/2013 4:13:38 PM
Filter by item date Read: 2188
Replies: 1

11/17/2012 1:08:32 PM
Parent/Child reporting Read: 2632
Replies: 1
CompetitorEye ascertains the buy box owner and top 3 featured sellers as Amazon prominently highlights them on the main product detail page.

The buy box owner is highlighted in the top middle of the page directly under the main SKU and is the default fulfiller when a shopper clicks “add to cart” on the top right of the page.

The top 3 Featured sellers are highlighted just below the main add to cart button on the top right of the main item detail page in the “More buying choices” area.
(see example)

All other sellers are found on the “New & Used” secondary page. CompetitorEye only retrieves pricing and seller data for sellers selling NEW items.

A change has been made on Amazon recently in relation to variations. Child/Parent relationships. In many cases a parent asin produces no information, and a child asin (color and or size) has to be chosen. Sometimes the child asin itself produces no information unless a selection is made.

In these cases, when main page child asin positioning cannot be determined. CompetitorEye will now fall back to the positioning of the sellers on the “New & used” page instead of reporting “Bad ASIN” and not retrieving pricing information at all, which was the default.

This will only effect child/parent ASINS reporting. We feel in these instances, default positioning and seller pricing information on the “New & Used” page is better than no information at all.

CompetitorEye replied on 1/15/2013 1:37:22 PM:
To override this action and to force the secondary page sellers into a Buy Box, featured list (as if you had chosen a child asin) please check: “On certain child/parent (variation) items, when Amazon has no buy box or top 3 featured sellers listed on the main product page and instead requiring the user to make a selection of color or size and / or clicking to the “New & Used” secondary page, use the secondary page sellers as buy box and featured. By default when this occurs CompetitorEye will simulate that the first seller would have become the “Buy Box” owner, and the next 3 sellers would have been the top 3 featured sellers and so forth, and report/reprice as if they had indeed been in those positions. You may disable this override so that the system treats the item as it is and report/reprice having no actual Buy Box or top 3 featured sellers. The 4th position in reporting will be filled (Secondary page sellers) instead of the Buy Box and Top 3 featured.” here
9/18/2012 9:20:20 PM
FeedBack count & percents Read: 2219
Replies: 0

9/18/2012 1:54:06 PM
On-Demand Reporting Read: 2186
Replies: 0

6/21/2012 11:32:45 AM
Amazon blocking = short reports Read: 2351
Replies: 0

6/13/2012 9:43:56 PM
Report filtering Read: 2660
Replies: 0

3/6/2012 1:18:14 PM
Reports running but where is my email? Read: 2350
Replies: 0

2/16/2012 11:08:54 AM
Items Aamzon is not selling Read: 2751
Replies: 0

2/2/2012 12:17:03 PM
"Asin Merge" causing issues? Read: 3986
Replies: 0

7/13/2011 6:12:21 PM
Reporting Options Read: 2484
Replies: 0

2/22/2011 1:02:39 AM
Where o where did my reports go? Read: 2315
Replies: 0

2/9/2011 10:41:24 PM
On-Demand Vs. Regular monitoring reports Read: 2321
Replies: 1

11/3/2010 12:35:32 AM
Inventory Analysis & Product Data Reports Read: 2351
Replies: 0

10/8/2010 5:12:25 AM
FBA Shipping or no FBA Shipping Read: 3375
Replies: 0

9/3/2010 4:48:07 AM
New Report Interface. Read: 2325
Replies: 0

8/14/2010 6:37:18 AM
Re-pricing as fast as every 15 minutes Read: 2608
Replies: 0

7/26/2010 1:54:56 PM
Latest report does not have all my products as it normally does Read: 2395
Replies: 0

7/26/2010 2:17:33 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public report forum Read: 2661
Replies: 0

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