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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

Choose a forum:   Amazon 11 posts    eBay 2 posts    General Q&A 13 posts    Imports 9 posts    Optimum Pricing / Re-pricing 15 posts    Reports 21 posts  

Current Forum: Amazon
1/26/2017 11:15:24 PM
Best Dropshipping Tool Read: 1696
Replies: 1

5/14/2013 12:02:09 PM
Amazon changes Read: 2182
Replies: 0

4/16/2012 12:51:48 AM
Attempting to disable repricing for products in bulk Read: 2686
Replies: 1

4/2/2012 5:34:34 PM
Anyone else getting data without the shipping prices? Read: 2439
Replies: 1

1/2/2012 1:27:41 PM
ALERT: Amazon Throttle Read: 3453
Replies: 0

7/28/2011 11:26:34 AM
Amazon API Changes Read: 2877
Replies: 0

7/22/2011 1:23:11 PM
Amazon lost your authentication? Read: 2500
Replies: 1

4/29/2011 12:55:12 PM
Security warning keeps popping up on Amazon Seller Central Read: 2959
Replies: 0

1/28/2011 12:09:01 PM
Amazon Repricing? Read: 2897
Replies: 3

10/20/2010 12:00:00 AM
You can use your own keys Read: 4705
Replies: 0
Although not required, CompetitorEye has implemented the ability to use your own product advertising API access identifiers (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)

To add your keys, you may create your own access identifiers (keys) for use on CompetitorEye
1. Create your own Product Advertising API keys or “Manage your account” if you already have one on Amazon.
2. Sign in.
3. Request Identifier creation or “Manage your account” to review existing access identifiers.
4. Associate both access identifiers on CompetitorEye.
7/26/2010 9:46:15 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public Amazon forum Read: 2577
Replies: 0

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