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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

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Current Forum: Amazon
1/26/2017 11:15:24 PM
Best Dropshipping Tool Read: 1697
Replies: 1

5/14/2013 12:02:09 PM
Amazon changes Read: 2183
Replies: 0

4/16/2012 12:51:48 AM
Attempting to disable repricing for products in bulk Read: 2686
Replies: 1

4/2/2012 5:34:34 PM
Anyone else getting data without the shipping prices? Read: 2440
Replies: 1

1/2/2012 1:27:41 PM
ALERT: Amazon Throttle Read: 3453
Replies: 0

7/28/2011 11:26:34 AM
Amazon API Changes Read: 2878
Replies: 0

7/22/2011 1:23:11 PM
Amazon lost your authentication? Read: 2500
Replies: 1

4/29/2011 12:55:12 PM
Security warning keeps popping up on Amazon Seller Central Read: 2960
Replies: 0

1/28/2011 12:09:01 PM
Amazon Repricing? Read: 2897
Replies: 3
As a seller you may receive an invitation for an Amazon private survey concerning repricing.

We encourage you to participate in this survey, but the idea itself raises some important questions.

It appears Amazon may want to offer repricing as a service.

This may or may not be a good thing. In our opinion, Amazon is many times a competitor of yours, also selling the same products you do. Amazon uses differing formulas relating to itself and buy box ownership than with other sellers. Amazon already has built in automated pricing for itself based on its true “live” view of all sellers pricing and its own. Amazon also forces itself into buy box ownership on some items and no matter what you (the competitor to Amazon) does, will not ever receive the buy box.

Allowing Amazon to see and implement repricing for you (in our opinion) only gives Amazon even more of a competitive advantage in regards to repricing timing, and an advance view of what your willing to go down to (floor) or as high as (ceiling) as well as a direct view of your marketing/pricing strategy.

Since many times Amazon itself is your competitor, do you feel allowing Amazon to handle your repricing is a good thing?
Anonymous replied on 1/28/2011 9:23:35 PM:
No way would I EVER let Amazon do my repricing, I think it would kill all profitability accross the whole site for sellers
Amazon Seller replied on 2/2/2011 12:42:47 AM:
I can see why Amazon is looking into possibly providing this service, in my opinion it will do 2 things for Amazon

1. A nice new revenue stream, after all Amazon makes it cut if it sells the item or you do, as well as FBA fees and everything else.
2. It would seem to me, this would be a conflict of interest since in my case Amazon is a seller for the majority of the items I sell. Handing over to them my repricing would give them even more of an advantage by knowing when I will be adjusting my price and what my limits are.

I’m sure many sellers will use this new service, but to their own peril.

Anonymous replied on 9/19/2011 8:57:21 AM:
Agree - I trashed the survey - no way will I give Amazon any info on how we manage our listings - it is definitely a conflict of interest and gives them even more of an unfair competitive advantage.
10/20/2010 12:00:00 AM
You can use your own keys Read: 4706
Replies: 0

7/26/2010 9:46:15 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public Amazon forum Read: 2577
Replies: 0

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