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Schedule to meet your needs

Scan & Storefront Sync Scheduling

Depending on your budget and needs, you have the ability to tune the reports to meet your desired results.

Although we make every attempt to report on 100% of your product catalog, certain limitations or network issues may arise which prevents us from doing so on every item for every report schedule. Reports sent to you will contain the most latest data available based on your scan block. For your convenience, any snapshot outside your designated block will not be included in your report/feed.

Automated storefront synchronization: If not utilizing FTP or database queuing, CompetitorEye can load the items in your storefront for you, disabling those out of stock and no longer listed and enabling those that are. Keeping your monitoring catalog inline with Amazon.

CompetitorEye can monitor and reprice as quickly as every 5 minutes. We can do this during all blocks or specific blocks. Please contact us for customized account and pricing.

CautionThis option is only available to our clients. Please sign in or create an account to continue.

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If you have not previously created an account, don't worry! Creating an account is quick, easy and SECURE!

    Read about pre-pending order notification.

Repricing (if enabled) occurs at the time we report. A day is broken into four - 6 hour "blocks" of time. These blocks can then be broken down further as needed, for example: in half so a report is run every 3 hours during the block, or hourly, or every 5 minutes. You can use different schedules per block and per day to fit your needs.     Read more about Monitoring / Repricing Strategies.
Maximum amount of ASINS to monitor:
Maximum reports per week:  (As you make selections below and click "Save" or "Calculate" this value will change)
Pacific standard time report schedules: Saturday 06:18:24 AM (PST)
12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:

12AM - 6AM block:

6AM - 12PM block:

12PM - 6PM block:

6PM - 12AM block:



Premium Plan: Automated synchronization

If opting to utilize our automated storefront synchronization which will load all online and in-stock items from your Amazon store instead of using FTP or online importing, select your choices below. It is recommended but not required to load your items one block before the scheduled monitoring set above to prevent reporting/importing contention.

My current CompetitorEye account should monitor SKU's that are: (And If synchronization via inventory file, load from):    (Read more)

Pacific standard time synchronization schedules: (PST)
*Please note: If automated synchronization is selected on a given day; due to Amazon's irregular creation and occasional failure to complete inventory files in a timely manner, CompetitorEye will request inventory file creation twice a day, typically 12 hours apart and import when ready on Amazon's servers. This may be outside your specific "desired" inventory file creation time frame selected above.

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