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CompetitorEye has brought back public general discussion forums. To cut back on the amount of bogus posts by malicious robots and spiders account holders must be logged in to post / reply. Forums will be monitored by CE staff for quick responses and inappropriate posts will be removed when brought to our attention. Please see Help & Tutorials for additional information.

Choose a forum:   Amazon 11 posts    eBay 2 posts    General Q&A 13 posts    Imports 9 posts    Optimum Pricing / Re-pricing 15 posts    Reports 21 posts  

Current Forum: eBay
1/30/2017 9:30:27 PM
DSM Tool Read: 1880
Replies: 0

7/26/2010 9:49:12 AM
Welcome to CompetitorEye public eBay forum Read: 2312
Replies: 0
General forum. This forum is provided for general discussion of eBay and CompetitorEye's upcoming eBay integration and reporting. Consider this your wish-list area. When posting in the forums you can choose a forum name to represent your post or reply. Leaving it blank will post / reply anonymously.

CompetitorEye requests that posts and replies be professional and courteous, as well as include all pertinent information regarding the question.

Keep in mind, these are public forums, any private questions concerning your account or details you do not wish the public to view should be emailed to support.

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